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经过电子邮件作者- Mon,2012年3月12日08:30:01 GMT

Industrial air pollution viaShutterstock.

随着最近的实现可以在平流层中改变自己,然后污染了下面的大气,我们终于通过我们所拥有的大量范围来来术语(以及其他来源)污染自己out of house and home-planet. The extent of air pollution of course combines with terrestrial and aquatic pollutions, and even on to solar system and universal pollution. Of course it can't continue. If we ourselves are to stop it,government educationwould and could help a little.

The two main gases in our air are not pollutants at this time. Others are in small quantities and pose little threat until they upset生态系统。主要候选人是carbon dioxide, ozone and methane虽然后者不是由人类所属的,但是在海洋之下呈现为相当良好的良性,而是巨大的威胁。这些气体的许多污染“同事”以较小的数量存在。我们都知道他们中的一些人对我们和其他生物致命。一氧化碳中毒(提到后面提到的汽车排放)和政府许可的气体使我们可能互相伤害的是主要威胁,尽管他们的群体。

Global warming of course is the main threat from CO2积聚,以及甲烷和其他几个。诸如这些甚至氮气的气体可以通过覆盖低洼地区(例如露营地)来杀死氧气呼吸。尽管有几种燃煤国家的努力蔑视他们的效果,但仍然造成世界范围的滋扰是他们的主张。然而,无论是您的统治统治者可能会说,它都被科学和合理地接受了全球暖化is just about to cause a greater menace than we have faced for generations.

Vehicle emissions

Vehicle emissions viaShutterstock.

Carbon dioxide and several other gases cause a blanket effect on the earth. If we use aCO.2灭火器,它毯子毯子,抢劫他们的重要氧气。在大气的情况下,相同的气体允许热进入,但防止热量丢失,否则将从地球反射回到太空中。奇怪的是,二氧化硫允许更多的热量逃逸,因此它在过去污染的流行可能有助于防止全球变暖!

Pollution from carbon dioxide results from cars and other vehicles (hence the proscribing of high emissions), fossil fuel burning (largely in power stations) and from respiration, particularly bacterial. By far the major cause currently is Chinese, Indian and US power stations. Partly from international cooperation in this last case and also because we have no alternative, most countries signed up in 1992 to a great international agreement called the Kyoto Protocol. This is now outdated and it is hoped that soon, we can concoct a more concrete agreement, especially from those countries who failed to measure up at Kyoto. The follow-up conferences in Bali, Cancun, Copenhagen and last December in Durban did little to stir the major defaulters into action, but have prepared developing countries for their huge responsibility to cut back onCO.2排放量, just as their economies are growing.

二氧化硫(和其他几种硫化气体)的污染也被追溯到发电站,但在大多数情况下,这些气体已从排放中除去。这是一个经典案例。瑞典开始向英国和60年前抱怨英国,他们的森林损失和其他几个问题似乎是英国工厂的产业污染造成的。事实证明,酸雨是由此引起的2在当地的氛围中,类似的问题导致美国来源的加拿大效果。德国的黑森林被许多国家排放到迎风的时候受到了威胁。建筑物,湖泊和树木以及鱼痛苦来自水衍生物,是严重酸性反应的主要受害者。二氧化氮有类似的历史2, as it also results from combustion. Cars emit a lot of NO2, along with the infamous carbon monoxide. The demise of cars built as we know them at the present time could lead to a great decrease in some of these major pollutants, alongside the carbon dioxide we already try to limit with emission controls in new cars.



However lead and one or two other heavy metals have been carried by airborne pollution in the past and no doubt pose a threat alongside cadmium and several others at the present. Also present in the air are other solid particles, carbon being major among them. The 必威国际必威官网health of humans is directly affected by such particles, but our remit here is less noticeable events.光合作用is a feature process of all of our green plants we don't eat without photosynthesis. If masked by carbon or other deposits, plant leaves cannot operate and produce no carbohydrate. That means death, as it did when asteroids almost cut off this lifeline for years at a time in the past. Huge extinctions are a feature of the Earth's past, and this kind of air污染seems mainly responsible. The Sun was blocked out, which was a major cause for deaths, but deposits on leaves could equally have caused a food chain failure when deposits covered the sky and the ground.

It is perhaps at the finale that we should add another of the less obvious, more insidious air pollutants. The POPs are volatile but relatively insoluble, hitching a ride on solid particles to travel enormous distances to countries that have never produced them. They are of course theO.笨拙的P.矿质妇女P.ersist in the environment. Their main feature is their toxicity, with even some carcinogenic properties, but there are a vast range of them from PCBs to Agent Orange. Their effects may still be very much in the environment but awareness of their presence in animal fats (many being fat soluble) is leading to a small decrease in their known effects on humans.



